Love Is In The Air!
Find your perfect look this Valentine’s Day and save! With hundreds of styles to choose from, we’re sure to have the wig that’s just right for you!

Your Best of Rome 2024 Winners!
Your votes have made The Wig Chix the proud winners of Best of Rome 2024, and we're sincerely thankful for your support. We'll continue to bring style, elegance, and confidence to our valued community, inspired by your trust in us. Your votes are a testament to our dedication, and we're excited to continue our journey together.
OUR Brands
The Wig Chix Difference

We offer wigs for everyone, with a diverse selection to suit every style and preference!

Discover our non-surgical hair solutions that provide a hassle-free path to a fuller, more vibrant mane.

Explore our stylish headwear collection, featuring turbans, scarves, and hats that add flair to your look while providing comfort and confidence.

Friendliest service in NW GA
Discover the friendliest service in NW GA, where smiles and hospitality are always in abundance. At Wig Chix, your satisfaction is our top priority.
Meet The Wig Chix: Your Trusted Hair Transformation Team

Wig Chix was founded by Cindy Taylor and Cindy Gilstrap, two friends who were passionate about assisting people dealing with hair loss. They aimed to provide affordable, stylish, and professional-looking wigs to women, men, and children.
The concept initially started by aiding cancer patients in the community. Eventually, they established a private and comforting setting where clients can enjoy a salon experience at their physical location in Rome, Georgia.
Providing high quality hair replacement alternatives for men, women and children.

Providing high quality hair replacement alternatives for men, women and children.

Wig Chix was founded by Cindy Taylor and Cindy Gilstrap, two friends who were passionate about assisting people dealing with hair loss. They aimed to provide affordable, stylish, and professional-looking wigs to women, men, and children.
The concept initially started by aiding cancer patients in the community. Eventually, they established a private and comforting setting where clients can enjoy a salon experience at their physical location in Rome, Georgia.